How to order
1.1 Go to
1.2 Choose your preferred item(s), size(s) and quantity and click “Add To Cart”.
2.1 Click on the shopping cart icon in the top right corner and click “Checkout”.
2.2 If applicable, fill in the discount code and click “Apply”.
2.3 Choose a mint number (favorite number), fill in your MetaMask Wallet Address and choose if you want a private delivery by SuYe (only available within Amsterdam).
If you don’t have a MetaMask Wallet yet, click here to watch a video.
2.4 Click on your preferred payment option.
2.5 Fill in your email, personal, shipping and payment information.
2.6 Review your order and click “Purchase” whenever you are ready.
Thank you for your purchase.
The order is completed and you will receive an order confirmation soon.
Click here to follow the steps on how to claim your NFT.
SuYe will link your preferred mint number to your chosen item(s) and NFT(s). Please be aware that SuYe cannot guarantee that you will truly get this mint number.
The digital certificate(s) and NFT(s) will be accessible once you confirm to keep your item(s) in the Confirmation Email, which SuYe will send you. Otherwise, the digital certificate(s) and NFT(s) will be automatically available 14 days after you received your item(s).
Contact us if you have any questions
Last updated: 26th of May 2023