Claim NFT

  • Do you already have a MetaMask Wallet? Go to Step 2.

    Click here to watch the video or follow the steps below.

    1.1 Go to the App Store/Play Store and type “Metamask” in the search bar.

    1.2 Download the app.

    1.3 Open the MetaMask app, click “Get started” and “Create a new wallet”.

    1.4 Create a password, tick the checkbox and click “Create password”.

    1.5 This step is very IMPORTANT.

    Click “Start” after watching the video and click “View” to reveal your Secret Recovery Phrase.

    You will receive 12 random words which you need to take over and write down securely in order from 1 – 12. Store it somewhere safely (only a screenshot is not enough) because this is the only way to restore your Wallet if you forget your e-mail and password.

    Click “Continue”.

    1.6 Confirm your Secret Backup Phrase by selecting each word in the right order from 1 to 12.

    Click “Continue”.

    Your MetaMask Wallet is set up.

  • Did you already added the Polygon Mainnet to your Wallet? Go to Step 3.

    2.1 Open the MetaMask Wallet and click on the 3 stripes in the top left corner.

    2.2 Go to “Settings”, click “Networks” and “Add Network”.

    2.3 Fill in the information below:

    Network Name: Polygon Mainnet

    New RPC URL:

    Chain ID: 137

    Currency Symbol: MATIC

    Block Explorer URL:

    Click “Add”.

    Or visit Polygon’s website and follow the steps.

    The Polygon Network is added to your MetaMask Wallet.

  • 3.1 Click here to go to MetaMask’s website.

    3.2 Click on the “Mobile” version and follow the steps.

    You have claimed your SuYe NFT.

You need a smartphone to finalize the steps

Contact us if you have any questions

Last updated: 26th of May 2023